Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pretty Little Liars "A Hot Piece of A" S2E15

The Pretty Little Liars are becoming the pretty little idiots who are losing their minds. So last week 'A' dropped his/her phone so now they finally have a clue even though no one could be bothered to shine a flashlight in his/her face when they had the chance. No, that's realistic, it is. So Emily jumps all over Hannah for being late and Hannah explains that her Dad got married and Kate is moving to Rosewood so she now has 2 monsters to deal with and she wins. Like it's a contest, Hannah? The girls suggest Hannah take the phone to Caleb, the best phone hacker they know but Hannah refuses to involve him in this madness and suggest they take it to a phone store so someone in Pakistan can figure it out. Spencer keeps barking orders, everyone is screaming and then 'A's phone rings. No one wants to answer it. The ceiling crashes in...I'm still not sure why, for dramatic effect? So they run and decide with or without Hannah's permission they are going to get this phone to Caleb. Doesn't matter to me, just give Caleb some more screen time already.
Caleb goes right to work and the girls don't reveal the reason for their need of him but he trusts his gf even though she's being weird. The phone is 'bricked' and they're locked out but they ask him to keep working on it and retrieve the files that he already has. (He's still suspicious as 'A.' I really don't want him to be, but that would be a hell of a twist.)
Things at Casa de Aria are not that great as Daddy tells her to change her clothes. Apparently he's just NOW noticing that she dresses like a 25 year old since she brought to his attention her relationship with her teacher. Her mother takes her upstairs and advises her to pick her battles. She tells Aria that surprisingly, she doesn't give her blessing to her 16 year old daughter's relationship with her teacher. Shocker. So she grounds her and she will be spending less time with her friends and is to cut off her relationship with 'Ezra.' Aria asks if she likes him and her mother says that she did, but not anymore. Don't know why that was relevant at that moment but nonetheless...
Spencer goes to see Toby to basically tell him she still can't tell him anything nor can she really see him which is confusing (clearly) so she tells him she misses him and they make out. Mixed signals much, Spence?
Caleb, looking all hot in his combat boots, is working on the phone stuff and Hannah tells him to not work on it in public. (Because people are always over his back finding what he's working on?) He wants to be let into the secret but she keeps him out. He doesn't understand why all of a sudden this is something they can't share but he keeps working. They see Lucas and Hannah begs him for a tutor session after school. Lucas reluctantly agrees and again gives Caleb the cold shoulder. Caleb smiles with his huge dimple. Swoon.
Making out in Toby's car, Toby and Spencer witness Garrett on the phone screaming at Jenna. Toby tells Spencer that they've been in a huge fight since last night. They hear Garrett saying that it was a mistake to get a third person, a 'him' involved and that's where they went wrong. Did he just reveal that 'A' is a him? Jenna doesn't let him in and he storms away. Spencer ducks but he sees Toby has heard the whole conversation. Oh no, is Toby in danger? If they kill Toby Imma gonna be pissed!
Emily, playing it cool as always, can't finish her makeup test in Aria's mom's class. She asks if she can make it up...again and Mrs. Aria reluctantly agrees. Emily has been given extra community service hours due to her fight with Spencer at a community crisis center. Mrs. Aria hopes that since they're so skilled in crisis that maybe they can teach others to avoid it. Ouch. Bite much? She asks Emily if there is anything else she doesn't know about Aria. Emily plays stupid and Mrs. Aria apologizes. Emily tells her that Aria hasn't change and she should still be proud of her no matter what. Food for thought there, Piper, I mean Mrs. Aria.
Aria uses Hannah's phone, being justifiably paranoid that her parents may watch her phone bill, to call Ezra. He has an answering machine with a beep? Really? And she leaves an impassioned message but is cut off by another beep? Really? Is it 1990?
Spencer finds Emily and asks her to go sneak around Jason's house with her but Emily is off to community service. Spencer thinks if it's a 'him' that's helping Jenna and Garrett her mind goes directly to Jason. Emily rejects her and tells her to bribe Hannah because Hannah's still pissed at her.
At tutoring, Hannah gets Spencer's text offering her lake house to Hannah and Caleb. Hannah relays this to Lucas who is clearly still pining but clueless Hannah asks Lucas to help her throw Caleb a surprise party. He has no desire but Hannah reminds them that they are best friends (are they?) and it would mean the world to Caleb (Does Lucas care?) but he can't resist those blue eyes.
Emily goes to Crisis Center for training and is given a transcript of a call that came in the night before. She soon realizes it was 'A' who called and the person was freaking out about losing their phone. They were most worried that 'they will find out it's me and they will never forgive me. I may as well be dead." Emily, subtle as always, freaks out for a moment and tries to get more information about the caller but the trainer says it's irrelevant. 
Ezra is paid a visit by Byron, Aria's dad. He is very calm and understands that Aria went through a tough year and everyone makes mistakes and all he wants is Ezra to admit it was a mistake and he will never see Aria again. Ezra begins to make his case but Byron cuts him off and threatens him with police action.
Mona and Noel (who are a couple now?) ask Hannah where their invitation to the big lake party is. Hannah figured they wouldn't come because it's for Caleb and Mona says they're all friends now and they'll be there. Emily relays the weird transcript from the Crisis hotline and Spencer immediately thinks they should all work there. Aria can't because she's on lock down. Hannah asks if she's coming to the party an Aria tells her not unless she's throwing it in Aria's closet. Caleb appears out of nowhere and asks to show them all something. (He's so hot) He shows them only one file he's recovered so far and it is of the dolls they were all sent. The girls do their best 'oh my God' face and thank Caleb and leave. Caleb once again asks Hannah to tell him the truth because everyone is acting weird towards him since he's been back, including Lucas. Hannah assures him she just can't tell him everything yet and it's not a problem. But oh yes it is a problem for Caleb. She just makes out with him and everything is ok. Man, I wish all problems could be avoided by making out with Caleb.
Meltdown in the Casa de Aria as Mrs. is pissed that Mr. went to confront Ezra. He wants to go to the police and Mrs. wants to protect Aria. Even though she hates what happened she refuses to subject her daughter to more public scrutiny.
Hannah randomly visits Ezra and tells him the rest of the PLL's support their relationship. Relevance?
At the crisis center, Emily and Spencer are now both working there. The transcript caller calls again and the trainer advise them to listen in and take notes. It's TOTALLY LUCAS! (Too obvious, gotta be a trap.)
Emily and Spencer warn Hannah about Lucas but she ain't havin' it. She may be pretty but...she tells them to drop it.
Aria finally gets in touch with Ezra but he tells her not to call him anymore.
Garrett arrives at Jenna's but she's already left for Boston for her eye surgery. Toby tries to give him some friendly advice but Garrett's all 'I'm in love with her, I'll do whatever I can to prove it" because guys ALWAYS say that, am I right, ladies?
At the lake house, Hannah and Spencer look through the dark, scary attic for Tiki torches? Because if there's one thing these ladies LOVE to do it is find themselves in rooms with no lights. After moving some boxes around, Spencer realizes that the photo of the dolls that Caleb found on 'A's phone was taken in the lake house attic. She captures the moment with a photo. Lucas appears in the attic while Hannah goes downstairs to get the doorbell. Creepy! He's there to help Hannah with the party and is looking for 'tools.'
Aria's family goes out to eat but Ezra is at the restaurant so they leave.
Emily stops by the crisis hotline to drop off her paperwork and trainer is overwhelmed. The phone rings and trainer asks if Emily can get it. Guess who? It's Lucas and he needs to 'take care of this tonight!' Emily realizes it's him and realizes he's with Hannah when he hears her voice. He hangs up quickly. OMG!
Family Aria runs into some old friends with a son, Aria's age, Holden. Aria's parents invite them over for dinner next week so Aria and Holden can 'catch up.' Subtle, guys, real subtle.
At the party, I would say Hannah was overreacting to tiny dramas getting the surprise party in order but I've thrown a surprise party and it is filled ANXIETY. I almost passed out! So I'll giver her a pass for refusing to see that the dolls were there in the house. Emily arrives and sees Lucas being all creepy. She sees him being all weird and tries to tell him what a great girl Hannah is and advises him not to do anything he'll regret. Emily finds Spencer and tells her about the phone call and realizes that Lucas probably figured out it was Emily on the phone. Where's Hannah? Well, naturally in that 7 seconds, she hopped on a boat with Lucas to set up the fireworks. That's how thrillers work, guys! Dark places, did I not tell you?
Floating on the dark, scary lake, Lucas stops rowing, the fog's rolling in...
Lucas is about to reveal what he has to 'do' when Hannah hits him with an oar and he falls in. She begins to row back to shore but the oar gets stuck and she falls in. Of course she does. Emily and Spencer decide to call the police.
Aria leaves Ezra a message asking him to please be patient because she believes that her mom is coming around. Ella comes into her room and tells Aria that they invited Holden and his dad over for dinner. (Which, wasn't she there when they invited them? Why does she need this information again?) Aria, stupidly, tells Ella that she was just on the phone with Holden and that they were thinking of going to a movie and Ella, wanting to encourage this says she'd think about lifting the grounding if she goes out with Holden.
Hannah swims back to shore much to the relief of Spencer and Emily. Noel and Mona appear wet too as they 'went for a dip.' Suspicious?
Then the boat appears, Lucas does not. He is missing. Caleb arrives and asks Hannah what the hell is going on. She just says 'surprise.'
WTF is going on? I feel like Lucas was just a diversion. He's way too obvious to be 'A' at this point. More importantly, why wasn't Caleb featured wet and shirtless?!?!?!?

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