30 Rock hit the grand running with an "American Idol" type show with celebrity judges D-Fwan, John McEnroe and Jenna Maroney. Contestant Jason gives his rendition of the National Anthem to where D-Fwan 'loves his look', John McEnroe tells him to 'live his dream' and Jenna calls him a disgrace to the audience boos.
Liz is horrified by the show and refuses to watch Jenna humiliate Children but Jack tells her that this is America and they love the tragic stories. I mean 'Shayla' is bitchy, but BOTH her mothers are serial killers!
Jack relays that his ex is now married to Kim Jong Un since his father's death. Liz wants to tell him about her break but he already knows everything since he knows everything about her.
Kenneth is ridiculously happy even though the 'world is ending tomorrow.' He can't wait to receive his reward 42 virgin...margaritas. Liz, in an unusually good mood, gives Kenneth the day off to go do everything he wants to do before the world ends. People are astonished at the new, nice, easy going Liz.
Tracy is NOT happy about Jenna's surge in success. New Liz decides not to play into Tracy's drama and tells him to deal with it.
Jack invites Liz to watch 'America's Kidz got Singing" with him since it's a cash cow, not like the show "Cash Cow" their spinoff attempt of Cash Cab. People apparently didn't like riding a cow through mid-town. This week it's 'public domain' week where the kids sing songs where the channel doesn't have to pay rights. But Liz is wondering why Jack signed her up for a dating service entitled "Desperation Ships." Jack tells her she's depressed and she needs to get over it.
Little girl "liddy" is performing the hell out of 'Turkey in the Straw' and Jack bonds with her dad since his daughter is named Liddy as well. Jenna cuts her off to rip her a new one and tell her that she's weird looking. But new Daddy Jack is suddenly horrified at evil Jenna.
The writers continue to mess with Kenneth.
Tracy is VERY upset that Liz isn't buying into his attention schemes. He doesn't know what to do with himself.
Jack approaches Jenna about changing her 'mean' persona into the nice one. Jenna is less than receptive.
Liz and Pete try to convince Kenneth to get out of the building and do something crazy that he's never done, like see the ocean. Pete is seriously freaked out by the new, happy Lemon and confronts her. Then tells Kenneth to grow up.
The two brainiacs, Tracy and Jenna, try to figure out what's going on with Liz. Tracy follows her and see her buying drugs.
Jenna tries out her 'nice' persona and the audience is bored. The judges confront Jack about messing with the formula. Jenna goes back to her mean persona and is a hit. Jack still feels bad so calls his 1 year old daughter, Liddy in for a meeting to explain to her how life is cruel, especially in business. He breaks down though and decides to cancel the show because it's too cruel. But Liddy stops him and says her first word "money" (even though it sounds more like Mommy) but Jack takes it as a sign and keeps the show on the air.
Kenneth is disappointed when the rapture doesn't happen. When all the writers show up to make fun of him, Pete defends him and scolds the writers. Pete and the writers take Kevin to see the ocean and he loves it. They all watch the sunrise together.
Tracy reports to Jack that Liz is a 'crack whore.' But Jack knows her so well, he figures out what she's doing. She's a WNBA dancer and it makes her insanely happy. He gives her a ride to the movie theatre and predicts what movie she'll see and when and she happily agrees. BUT, he goes to pull away and inside the theatre he sees her kiss a mystery man. Liz Lemon is in LOVE! With whom?!?!?!?!?
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