With Pam on maternity leave, Jim has a new audience member to make laugh; Stanley. However, he is very specific with his humor. As Jim tries some old school jokes to mess with Dwight, Stanley will ONLY laugh when he covers Dwight's desk with meatballs. Stanley laughs hysterically. But maybe Jim is finally the one being played as Dwight meets Stanley in his car and together they enjoy some delicious, and free, meatballs.
Erin is trying to take the high road and is trying to be really nice to Andy's girlfriend Jessica. Oh Erin, even though I admire your tenacity, I don't see this going well. Andy confesses to the camera that he introduced Jessica to his family and they adored her. So much in fact that Andy's Mom gave him a family engagement ring, even if she did remove the main diamond since it was more for his brother.
As Robert is viewing his house online, he reveals that he is putting it on sale as Dwight and Jim admire. "It's mid-recession in a depressed area, a faltering state and I have the biggest house in the area. The 1% are suffering too, people." He reveals it was his dream house, motivation to be his own Playboy mansion but his dreams never came to fruition. Jim thinks he's making a joke and laughs but Robert is not amused by Jim. Jim is uncharacteristically not the favorite in his eyes. Andy interrupts and asks why he senses a 'serious outbreak of the grumpies' in the Office. Kevin suggests a pool party at his house to cheer him up. Robert, surprisingly, agrees and invites everybody over that night. Kevin gloats to Oscar that he just created a party out of thin air.
Meredith offers Erin a ride since she lives so close to her. Erin wonders how she knows where she lives and Meredith lets her know how Andy followed her home after the Christmas party to make sure she didn't hook up with Robert. Erin's obsession with Andy is renewed.
At the pool party, Gabe tries awkwardly to flirt with the new girl, Cathy, who has an obvious unrequited crush on Jim. Jim claims to be the master of leaving parties early by making an impression, get in a picture, say a peculiar non-sequitor, create a talking point etc. Jim tries to grab Robert for a picture and begin his plan but Robert sucks him into the house tour. Andy and Jessica arrive, impressed at the pool. Erin approaches to make her subtle move but Andy is distracted by the engagement ring in his pocket. She tries to prod him to admitting he followed her home but his mind is elsewhere. Erin tries a new tactic and flirts with Dwight. He's not really picking up on the vibe so he just shoves her in the pool. He doesn't notice the Erin/Dwight non-sexual chemistry because someone has taken Andy's pants and by proximity, the ring.
Robert takes Jim, Ryan, Toby, Oscar and Gabe on the tour of the house...slowly. Jim is climbing the walls trying to make an exit but he keeps being pulled back in. Toby grabs a random one and Oscar mistakes him for knowing his wine. They instantly bond. Toby doesn't tell Oscar he just grabbed it randomly because he's thrilled that he has a friend. Oscar invites him to join his wine club. Toby is thrilled to be living on the edge.
Erin reveals to Dwight that she was using Dwight to make Andy jealous. Dwight becomes her wing man and plays along even though Andy isn't paying attention at all while he looks for the ring...which Kelly has found and is showing to everyone.
Darryl is flirting with Val when Meredith invites them to check out the pool. Val quickly joins but Darryl is subconscious as his top layer over his muscle hasn't been properly toned yet.
Andy is still not paying attention to Dwight and Erin as he freaks out over how to get his ring back. Dwight decides to up the game and starts chicken fights. Cathy wants to play but can't find Jim anywhere. They're pulling out all the stops but Andy just isn't paying attention.
Robert continues his tour into his screening room which he wanted to be a den for erotic cinema. Gabe offers to watch some now as he has a Korean film on his iPod that he can hook up to the TV. He's so creepy!
Andy figures out a way to get to Kelly but playing to her idiocracy. She's wearing the ring and he tells her it's bad luck to be wearing a found engagement ring. She quickly agrees and returns it to him. However, Phyllis jumps in and thinks they should burn it so no other woman suffers the wrath either. Andy can't win. Jessica pulls him away to participate in the chicken fights.
Darryl tries to lure Val out of the pool with alcohol but she stays in. She asks Kevin if Darryl doesn't swim and Kevin accuses her of racism. Love it.
Finally, Erin and Dwight meet Jessica and Andy. Erin swears to Dwight that no matter what she will not fall off his shoulder. She is focused so hard she squeezes Dwight into unconsciousness.
Kelly, Meredith and Phyllis give the ring a viking funeral.
Dwight, being an actual good wing man, he pumps Andy for information about Erin to see if he's really over Erin. When he's finally convinced that he is, Dwight tells him he's an idiot, genuinely. Adorbs!
Seeing all the fun Val is having, Darryl throws caution to the wind and embraces who he is by doing a huge cannonball into the pool. Val is thrilled.
Andy is sitting by the side of the pool lamenting the ring when Erin swims up to him and gives it to him. She figured it was his because she saw the Bernard family seal. She asks if everything's okay and he admits to her just how confused he is. Another ray of hope.
The tour finally ends back at the pool and Robert realizes that he's finally having that party he always dreamed of. People are hooking up, drunk by the pool, Creed is playing a guitar (Love him) only one thing left to do. He strips down and jumps in the pool naked. No one moves except the two people who are desperate to please or to do anything to be Robert's favorite, Ryan and Gabe who join him. Finally Jim as an exit cue and speeds out of there. Way after everyone has gone, Robert, Ryan and Gabe are all dancing in the 'disco room.' Robert takes a break but Ryan and Gabe keep dancing determined to out do one another.
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