Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Glee "Yes/No" S3E10

 Ok, Glee, when you open with "Summer Nights," I'm sold. Sam and Mercedes describe their summer fling in classic Danny/Sandy style. I don't even feel guilty for blarin it while my show tune hating roommate was home. 
(Sidenote...what was the big controversy about Chord Overstreet not returning this season? He missed like 3 episodes and has been on every other one. I'm confused...)
Anyways, Becky begins by narrating the episode in a British accent checking out all the dudes in the school, deciding that Artie is the one for her. She looks to Sue for guidance and she advises her just to ask him out even though she thinks Becky can do better.
Emma bonds with Coach Beast and finds out that Beast and Cooter eloped and got married over Christmas Break. Sue is ready to explode but she offers her heartfelt congratulations. Emma is happy for her but expresses her sadness that Will doesn't want to marry her. Sue, oddly enough, encourages her to propose to him. She sings "Will" backed up by Beast and Sue while she fantasizes about her wedding with him. Adorbs! Turns out her subconscious song may have been out loud a little bit and she accidentally proposes to Will. She's horrified but he's delighted. He goes to share it with the Glee club and asks them for help to make the proposal perfect and assigns them to come up with a 'proposal number.'
Sam stalks Mercedes trying to figure out why she prefers her current boyfriend to him. Mercedes assures him that they were just a summer fling and she's with Shane now.
Artie asks Sugar to work on a number with him but she mistakes it for an invitation for a date. She rejects/insults him. Becky arrives and asks him out.
Sam asks Coach Beast if he can join the basketball team. Beast tells him that they're full but suggests that there is an opening on the synchronized swimming team. It's weird, but it provides him with shirtless scenes so I'm on board! The coach, who medaled in Bejing in individual synchronized swimming, is happy he's on board and just gives him the 'golden rule' no peeing in the pool. Sam is happy though because it will get him a letterman's jacket. Sam gets slushied anyway. Mercedes helps him but Shane pulls her away. Leering glance...
Artie discourages Will from doing a sappy love ballad as he and Chang (with the sweet dance moves) encourage him to use his Moves Like Jagger/Jumpin' Jack Flash mashup. I hate the Maroon 5 song, cute number though. Becky is there to cheer Becky on but Will can't use it because he'll be sweaty and Emma hates dirt. Artie agrees to go out with Becky.
Finn helps Will shop for a ring and Shu asks him to be his best man. Finn is overwhelmed and agrees. Finn confesses that he's been thinking about his future and met with an Army recruiter as he thinks that might be his best option. Will is supportive but concerned.
Rachel, Santana, Mercedes and Tina grill Mr. Schuester for information before they can prepare their number. Will flashes back to when he met Emma and the First Time he saw her face. (Performance. Out of the park, gals!) Rachel also thinks back when she first saw Finn, Tina thinks about Chang, Santana thinks about Brittany, Mercedes thinks about...Sam. The passion overwhelms Mercedes who admits that she was only thinking about Sam.
Will invites over Emma's conservative parents to ask their permission to marry Emma. Her dad (Ralph Mouth) refuses. They just think she's too much of a freak and Will won't be able to handle it. 
The Glee Club intervenes with Artie and asks him what he's doing with Becky. They think it's nice that he's being kind to her but he shouldn't lead her on. Artie gets defensive. The Glee Club seems to talk a good game about how hard it is to be different but they're just like everyone else. And the truth is, he genuinely likes Becky.
Finn walks in to an intervention of his own with Will, Emma, his mom and Kurt's Dad about the Army. Burt would really like Finn to take over his shop will Burt is in DC (I forgot he was elected) but Finn wants to live up to his war hero father's image. Finn's mom reveals that even though his dad was a good guy, he didn't die a war hero like she told him. The war seemed to have broken him. He had a drug problem when he got home and he wound up overdosing. Finn does not take the news well.
Artie realizes he's in over his head when Becky sends him a naked text message. He goes to Sue for advice. Sue, uncharacteristically, gives Artie good advice and tells him to treat her like a real person and be honest with him. Thankfully, she works in a few last minute insults before he leaves.
At home, Will arrives as Emma is taking down the Christmas tree. Emma confronts him and asks him if he wants her to be his wife. And he does but her parents got in his head. What will she do if their baby spits up on her? She tells him she's doing the best she can with meds and all but Will thinks it may be hopeless. Emma tearfully says she'll try but she can't promise she'll be cured. So she tells Will that he has to be honest with himself and what he wants and the sooner the better.
At Breadstix, Finn, Curt and Rachel lament about their 'future' problems. They drown their sorrow in cheesecake. Performance by Rachel (Without You by Usher) to Finn. And so true. At 17, doesn't the future seem so hopeless with all it's opportunity. Sure when you're in your 30's it all seems so simple but at that point in your life it's awful. But Finn sees his future in front of him, it's Rachel. He rewards her performance with a big sloppy kiss. He considers all of his choices and goes to see Emma but Sam has one last idea before he does.
Will goes to her office and asks for her hand. As she walks down the hall she is handed roses from everyone she walks by...even Sue. He leads her to the pool where Sam has the synchronized swim team and the Glee team do a huge number to Rhianna's "We Found Love." Shu, in a white tuxedo dives into the pool and swims to Emma and tells her regardless of her imperfections, she's the one. And he proposes. She says yes. And I cried...because I'm a 9 year old girl.
Artie tries to let Becky down easy but she's heartbroken. It's hard to be her but she refuses to let anyone see her cry. But when she goes to Sue, Sue lets her cry and the two drown the sorrow in ice cream and watch Lifetime Television for Ovaries. Sue takes her hand and says they'll get through it together.
Finn is still lamenting over the truth about his father and tells Rachel all about him. He admits he's nervous but she's confused. He pours out his heart to her...and...proposes!!!
Don't do it, Rachel!!!!!

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