Monday, January 16, 2012

Once Upon a Time "True North" S2E9

Henry learns a little young that women are not to be trusted. He's approached by a cute girl in the drugstore. She is soon joined by her twin brother but invites Henry to come hang out with them. Henry is thrilled until he is stopped by the pharmacist who finds stolen candy in Henry's bag. "So that's why you were talking to me? So your brother could put the candy in my bag?" Sorry to break it to you, Henry, people are like that. You should know that literally living in a fairy tale.
Flashback time, what is the fairy tale du jour? Hansel and Gretel who just happen to be the young girl and boy Henry met in the drug store. Their father sends the two into the woods (they have to go, they hate to leave they have to though) to get some wood. He gives Gretel his compass so they don't get lost. "Our family always needs to be able to find each other. Less than 2 minutes into an episode, that spells doom. And I'm right as the kids are chased down by evil beings escorting the Queen and Gretel falls and breaks the compass.
Back in the present, evil Queen is picking up Henry from his trouble at the drug store. Emma arrives. The Queen tries to brush her away but Emma's the Sheriff now, she has a right to be there. Emma tries to contact Hansel and Gretel's family but they can't contact them by phone because their 'parents couldn't pay the bill.' Well now, Emma feels like shit. They beg her to let them go.
In the flashback, they try the same thing and beg for their freedom. But the Queen is no Emma. And she as the guards seize them, but they cleverly escape. The Queen laughs at their effort and uses magic to capture them. But she lets them go and swears to catch their Dad so they'll do her a favor.
Emma takes present day Hansel and Gretel home. Emma suspects that something is up but drives away. It is not their home at all and they run around back and sneak into the attic of the house only to be confronted by Emma. She is Snow White's daughter, you know she's got mad skills! She wants to know why they lied. Gretel reveals that they're orphans.
Gretel brings them home to Snow's house. Mary Margaret has never seen them before and is appalled that Emma hasn't reported it to social services. But Emma, having grown up in foster homes, is tentative. Instead, she's gonna try to find their dad or they're gonna get split up. Gretel overhears her and is traumatized. She can't be separated from her brother.
Emma goes to public records and tries to find their birth certificates and is met by paperwork. But county clerk discovers their birth certificates have been pulled. By guess who? Yup, Mayor/Evil Queen. And she's got bad news for Emma. No father listed on the birth certificate and Mayor has contacted the foster system to send the kids to and they will be split up. She tells them to take them to Boston as it's her job as Sheriff.
In flashback land, the Queen leads the kids to the home of the blind witch. The Queen gives them their mission. She needs them to retrieve a black, leather satchel inside the blind witches house. The Queen can't go in because of the spell surrounding the house, but thankfully the spell doesn't work on children. Gretel agrees as long as it means she'll find their father. One more catch...don't eat anything...oh right, it's made of candy.
At the station, Emma chats with Henry and he reveals that they're Hansel and Gretel. Henry's convinced that their dad is in Storybrook since all the fairy tale characters are there somewhere. Henry asks Emma to tell him about his dad. She tells him that she met him when she worked at a diner and he was a firefighter. Whirlwind romance, his career took off, hers didn't, she got knocked up oh and then he died in a fire saving a family. (Wondering if any, or all of that is true. Is he really dead?) Henry asks if she has anything of his and she doesn't but it triggers an idea of how to find Hansel and Gretel's dad.
Emma finds her baby blanket and shows Hansel and Gretel. She tells them that it was the only thing she had from her parents thinking they probably kept something too. Gretel has...the compass. She'll only give it to Emma if she promises they'll stay together. Gretel asks if Emma ever found her parents. She lies and says no.
In flashback land, H and G approach the candy house. For some reason they're all prettied up, I guess more to suit the fairy tale. Hansel is super tempted by all the candy as is Gretel but Gretel threatens him. They see Anya, I mean the blind witch sleeping and they find the satchel. As Gretel steals the satchel, Hansel unable to control himself bites a cupcake thereby awaking Anya, I mean the blind witch. They notice the pile of bones in front of the fire and all the exits seal around them and Anya, I mean the blind witch gets excited for 'dinner.'
Emma comes to see Mr. Gold at the antique shop to get information about the old compass.
Mr. Gold remembers it being purchased at his shop. He finds the record and says his price is her forgiveness. Emma offers tolerance and that will have to do and he gives her the name. But there is no information on the card at all.
She finds Daddy that Mr. Gold named working at a garage and he denies that he could be a father especially twins. He's in denial but Emma assures him he does and that he can't let them go in to foster care. He can't afford it though. So she pulls out the big guns, or in this case, the big compass. It's his. Emma lays it on thick that he needs to take responsibilities. Probably a little misplaced anger, but he's like, yeah, i can't do that.
Emma tells MM that Daddy Dearest doesn't want the kids. Emma admits to MM that she lied to Henry about his dad as he was NO hero. (Called it). Queen Mayor asks why Emma hasn't left yet and tells her she should get going.
Anya, I mean the blind witch tries to ready the children for a meal. They're terrified. Gretel comes up with a plan. Anya, I mean the blind witch pulls Gretel out of the cage. She steals the key and tosses it to Hansel but he blows it. Luckily they are able to, guess what? Shove her into the oven. Fairy tales are really demented. The Queen arrives and lights the fire to kill her. It was her plan all along?
H and G arrive to see the Evil Queen to give her the satchel and inside is the poisoned apple. She tells them they deserve better than a father who abandoned them in the woods. Since they've impressed the Queen by surviving Anya, I mean the blind witch, she offers for them to move in with her in the castle and make all their dreams come true. But Gretel refuses and tells her she's awful and they'll choose roaming the forest looking for their family then being around her. The Queen whips up a spell.
Emma puts the kids in the cop car and returns the compass. They are heartbroken that she lied to them. Henry pleads with Emma to not leave Storybrook as something bad will happen. On the way out of town, the car breaks down. Trouble in Storybrook? Come on, now.
In flashback land, in the mirror the Queen sees  Snow befriending dwarves and is disgusted. (It's no stranger than your thing with dwarfs. Dwarves! Dwarves are very upsetting...) The guards bring in the kids captured Dad. She reveals that she told his children that he abandoned them. She offered their children everything but they chose uncertainty because of their blind faith in their dad and she wants to know why. He tells her it's because they're a family and family always finds one another. She's not happy with this response but releases him someday when they all find each other. H and G awaken and know that everything will be fine.
In present day, Emma waits for roadside assistance. Gretel's compass starts to work. The tow truck arrives and guess who the driver is. She staged the car breaking down so he would come. She just wanted him to see the kids. Plan works, he gets them out of the car and introduces himself.
At home, Emma tells MM that their Dad came through. MM tells Emma to not give up looking for her parents. But Emma thinks that if they wanted to meet he they wouldn't make it so hard to find them. She even tells her Henry's crazy theory that MM is actually Snow White and she is Emma's mother. They both chuckle at the possibility. Emma goes out for a walk and MM finds Emma's baby blanket and is attracted to it but brushes it off.
Henry finds Emma and brings her some pumpkin pie, like his fictional hero dad used to like. Emma has a moment when she wants to come clean but decide that it's better he thinks his Dad was a hero. Henry tells her he's pleased how she helped Hansel and Gretel. 
At the last moment, a stranger arrives on a motorcycle. They recommend Granny's B&B to him. He doesn't give his name. Emma tells Henry that he said strangers don't come to Storybrook. Henry reiterates that they don't.
New love interest? New Prince Charming? Oh the possibilities.

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