Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fringe "Back to Where You've Never Been" S4E8

Fringe has been gone so long, it was one of those rare moments when I appreciate the "previously on" montages at the beginning.
Peter is happy. Walter is cooking chocolate chip/banana pancakes in the kitchen and chatting up a storm. Olivia kisses him good morning. This is where he wants to be. Walter promises he will get the machine working again soon but he drops it and wakes Peter from his dream. Walter is the only one who can get him back there and Peter knows it.
At the lab, Walter is in a good mood. Peter arrives and scares him but Peter has got to get on the same page with him. Peter tells him that the machine snapped him out of his timeline and he needs Walter's help to get him back there. Walter knows the machine is too dangerous, I mean it can destroy universes. Peter apologizes for breaking Walter's boundaries but he is desperate to get back home. Walter softly recounts when his wife committed suicide. He regrets going to another universe to find an alternate Peter and not grieving with his wife. He lost everything. "I may be the only man that can help you. But I'm also the only man who can NOT help you."
Undeterred, Peter goes to visit Olivia. He asks her for a favor. He would like her to ask Broyles to get Peter permission to cross the bridge into the other universe. If Walter won't help Peter, he needs to ask Walternate for help. Olivia warns him that Walternate is untrustworthy. He doesn't care, it's his only option. But she still thinks Broyles won't let him. And even if he did, he would never be able to get to Walternate, he's the Secretary of Defense. Lincoln Lee arrives to visit Olivia and is less than pleased to see Peter already there. But Peter realizes that alternate Lincoln Lee could be his way to Walternate. Olivia agrees. She wants to go over too to investigate the shape-shifter dilemma. But Peter wants no part of it because if she gets busted that's Peter's only way home. Olivia backs down...a little too easily, Lincoln notices.
In alternate universe, random little boy goes into a public restroom and notices two men in a stall. His mom assumes it's some gay lovin' goin' on. The cop goes in to investigate and shapeshifter escapes with dead body left on the stall. With super human ability he leaps a bus to get away from a cop but is immediately struck and killed by another oncoming bus.
In the alternate universe, lead scientist brings to Walternate the shape-shifter technology. It seems as if Walternate is 'not involved.' The scientist is wary of leaving the technology with Walternate but obliges. 
OliviA and Alt. Lincoln are investigating the death but they are called off when the DOD arrives to take over the investigation. OliviA isn't happy.
Olivia and Peter are driving in a Nissan (product placement) on their way to the theatre, the soft spot for crossing over. Olivia still has a headache but she needs to be there. Lincoln comes dressed as Alt. Lincoln ready for the crossover with Peter. Lincoln is nervous and Peter thanks her as he crosses in. She wishes Lincoln good luck. They cross through successfully.
Alt. Astrid and Alt. Broyles notice a security breach upon Lincoln and Peter's arrival. Lincoln is a little taken aback at the sight of the Twin Towers. 
In the lab, the DOD soldiers bring in the body of the dead shapeshifter. Walternate evacuates the lab and does his own investigation. Inside the body he significant. (Judging by the volume increase in dramatic music)
Lincoln Lee arrives on the dock to transport his 'prisoner' Peter to transfer to Liberty Island. He talks his way on to the island. The guard asks for his ID but Lincoln tells him he jumped into the East river so he didn't have his ID. But he can just give his hand print which of course works because it's an alternate universe...weird...guard calls for the ferry. The guard reports Lincoln's ID lost. (I feel like that will come back later).
Alt. Lincoln and OliviA go to investigate the breach but there is nothing there. Alt. Broyles and Alt. Astrid write it off as a false alarm. OliviA isn't focused. She's still thinking about the shape-shifter. The kind that the other universe is accusing them of sending. Interesting, they're both accusing each other. But OliviA thinks maybe Walternate is pretending to be confused to cover up his own involvment. But Alt. Lincoln's car won't start because his ID has been reported lost. Alt. Lincoln calls the dock and asks what's up. The guard is confused since "Lincoln" is within is eye line. Lincoln is grilling Peter about the layout of the DOD. Peter figures out that Lincoln is a mole and doing Olivia's plan for her. He can NOT get caught or he is screwed. OliviA and Alt. Lincoln arrive at the dock and arrest Lincoln and Peter. Peter tries to explain it's not what it looks like but they don't care. Lincoln and Alt. Lincoln come face to face. (Parent trap special effects). Olivia asks who the hell Peter is.
Alt. Broyles informs Walternate that Lincoln and 'Peter Bishop' have arrived. Walternate is speechless that his 'son' has arrived. He instructes Alt. Broyles not to contact the other side until they've had a chance to interrogate them.
Peter is pissed that he can't trust Lincoln and Olivia. But Lincoln explains that the shapeshifters are his first priority right now to protect the American people. Peter tells him it is not his fight. Dude driving Peter and Lincoln's car receives a call and he veers off course and basically kidnaps the two. He shoots his counterpart. Alt. Lincoln and OliviA cannot get anyone on the radio. The rogue car arrives at it's destination and removes their handcuffs. He has his orders to kill them. His counterpart shoots him and through a struggle, Lincoln kills him. Peter takes charge and they escape.
Alt. Astrid tracks down the vehicle and OliviA finds agents down. Alt. Lincoln follows the vehicle with Lincoln and Peter. (Are we confused yet?) But Peter's not there. They take Lincoln into custody and he informs OliviA and Alt. Lincoln that he has no idea where Peter went. Alt. Lincoln tells Lincoln (!!) that since they killed two agents, every cop in the city would be out for blood. Lincoln tells Alt. Lincoln (!!!!) that yeah, his plan was to come to the alternate universe just to kill two agents. Alt. Lincoln tells Lincoln his story doesn't make sense. I mean who would want them dead? Lincoln tells them it was Walternate. Lincoln tells them he needs to trust him about the shape-shifters because Peter told him that OliviA could be trusted. He tells them to trace the call that their agent got. They start to wonder...hmmmmm.
Peter goes to see his mom. He scares the bejeezus out of her, being her dead son and all. She's amazed to see him and thrilled. He tries to explain what version of Peter he is but it's a little complicated. He implores her to help him get to Walternate so he can get home. She's always dreamed that he would be happy and she will do anything to make sure that he gets that. But he tells her she can't let anyone know he's there as someone is trying to kill him. Walternate's men arrive to shoot Peter but she protects him and order them to take herself and Peter to the DoD to see Walternate.
Alt. Lincoln and OliviA detain Lincoln in a secret office while they trace the phone call to the agent.
Peter and his Mom arrive at Walternate's office. Walternate instructs the restraints to be removed and the soldiers to leave. Peter confesses that he's not their son. Walternate already knows and Mom begs Walternate to help him. He asks her if he can get a minute alone with Peter. Peter thanks her warmly before she leaves them. Peter congratulates Walternate on a supreme performance on being 'surprised' to see him. Walternate naturally has known about Peter's existence for a while as he monitors the other universe. Peter informs him that everyone knows that he's responsible for the shapeshifters. But it is NOT his fight. He just wants to get home with Walternate's help. Walternate summons scientist and has scientist assures Peter that Walternate has nothing to do with the shape shifter infiltration. Walternate promptly shoots him with the gun and kills him. He's a shape shifter. Walternate was aware of this which was why he kept taking the tech away from him. He proves to Peter that someone else is indeed behind this and Walternate doesn't know what to do about it. Peter tells him he needs to expose the shape shifters to clear his name. Walternate reveals to Peter that he is the only person he trusts since he has no alliances to either side. He's telling Peter that he needs to relay to the other side that Walternate is innocent and their enemy is a common one. If he does so, Walternate will help him get home. Peter admits that he was wrong. "You are not the man I thought you'd be." Walter replies "You are exactly the man I hoped you'd be." An alliance is formed.
OliviA and Alt. Lincoln trace the call and although it isn't traced to the DOD or Walternate, OliviA still wants to follow up on it. OliviA wants to align herself with Lincoln but Alt. Lincoln is tentative. They decide to go to Alt. Broyles. And although they do not reveal all, they ask him for a little leeway and would like to follow up on the traced call. He agrees. He then calls mystery man (or as I know him Mad Men's Lane Pryce) and let's him know that 'they are on their way to you.' Behind mystery man is a lab full of shape-shifter subjects.
In the theatre, as Olivia waits for the boys, the Observer appears and plays the most annoying game of shadowing. He tells her he has something to tell her but he's been shot. He doesn't have a lot of time. "I have looked at all possible futures and in every one the result is the same. You have to die." She grabs her phone to call for help but he's disappeared.
Not exactly what you want to hear from a creepy man in an abandoned theatre. Did we just glimpse the ending of Fringe?

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