I don't think I've ever watched a show with my hands clenched so much as I do this one. Every single episode is a cliffhanger worthy of season finales. No exaggeration. It's been off since it's winter finale in early November so my trusty friend Kathryn and I had to do a little online research to remember how it ended last fall.
Episode begins with Bonnie wandering through abandoned house hearing voices, wandering down into basement and discovering coffins. Inside one, is Klaus. Boom, dream. THE VAMPIRE DIAIRES!
Elena is jogging. She has to keep in shape for all of the unbelievably hot men in Mystic Falls (kudos TVD Casting department). She seems to be running out her angst over the Salvatore brothers. She notices someone running behind her and out runs him. As predicted, as soon as she's 'lost' him and she relaxes, he appears behind her. But he's just a handsome (Best casting department in Hollywood) stranger who wasn't watching where he was going. Ha ha, oh TVD. We know you don't introduce arbitrary characters? Come on, now! At the grill, the only place to eat or drink in Mystic Falls, Elena reveals her ongoing paranoia to Bonnie who commiserates and shares her nightmare. Damon is attempting to bond with Alaric by drinking but Alaric is only there to scold Jeremy for basically giving up on school by word for word copying his latest essay from the internet. Bartender informs them that Jeremy was fired last week. WTF? In the forest, Tyler is giving Jeremy shooting lessons with Alaric's crossbow. Why? Tyler is pissed at Caroline for dumping him and Bonnie dumped Jeremy so they needed a testosterone filled activity to feel like men. Tyler dares Jeremy to shoot him and Tyler catches the arrow proving once again that he was superhuman. Original, Tyler. Tyler informs Jeremy since he is a hybrid, he can't be killed unless you chop his head off or rip out his heart. Superfluous information at the time but TVD doesn't reveal arbitrary information...remember?
Back at the grill, Elena (clearly having just been informed of Jeremy's downward spiral) leaves a desperate message for Jeremy. I mean he's like seeing ghosts and shit so he's freaking out. (I'm paraphrasing). Elena tries to see what's up with Damon but he's drunk and she informs him that this is not his most attractive quality. Damon saunters over to her with his unbelievable blue eyes and says "when AM I at my most attractive." (Sidebar...I could write novels equivalent to Russian literature about Ian Somerhalders most attractive qualities.)
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I mean, seriously... |
Bonnie treks through the woods to see if her nightmare was based in reality. Finds the house, hears the voices, sees the coffins, then here's her name for real. Stefan!
Stefan tells Bonnie what he's doing and she needs to help him hide them. She doesn't have the power to hide four originals but he tells her to figure it out. Sheesh.
Jeremy finally shows up at home and Alaric and Elena provide the invitation for a family dinner. He shrugs it off and tells them Tyler is waiting outside, they have plans. Not happy with this new found friendship, they scowl, but Jeremy 'invites' him in so now Tyler has access to the house. Tyler explains to them the difference between being compelled (which is mind control) and being sired (which is like faith and you will do anything for your master). Elena proves this is a bad idea when she gets Tyler to admit that if Klaus asked him to rip his own heart out, I would. Elena isn't thrilled about this new friendship and Tyler leaves a little in denial that he still has control over his own life.
Stefan is at home alone enjoying a cocktail when Klaus pops in. Cue sexy boy banter (could watch this all day). He threatens Damon to help him find Stefan. Damon refuses so Klaus makes a phone call and tells someone on the other end to 'do what he asked.'
Back at Elena's house, Jeremy hangs up the phone. (Did I miss something? When did Klaus compel Jeremy?) Elena and Alaric turn their back on Jeremy (mistake) as they bitch about what a bad influence Tyler is. Jeremy walks out into the street where at the exact moment a speeding Escalade is coming towards him. Alaric runs out to save him, which he does and Alaric is hit! Oh no!
BUT, he was wearing his ring. Hard to always fear for Alaric's life when he's been killed dozens of times because he has a ring that makes him invincible. Just sayin...
Anyway, stranger jogger is the driver of the car so Elena knows it was a message. Jeremy doesn't understand what happened and tells Elena that it was Klaus on the phone and they figure out he was compelled.
Klaus moves into the abandon house and is invoking some reconstruction. Tyler shows up and Klaus lets him know that the message was received even though jogger man hit Alaric not Jeremy. Tyler isn't happy about the 'message' he sent not knowing it would actually hurt someone. Klaus tells him to get over his human 'guilty conscience.' Tyler doesn't seemed too 'faithful' at the moment.
Damon arrives at Elena's and they tell him Alaric is 'dead' but had his ring on so he should be alive again soon. They realize Tyler took Jeremy's vervane bracelet and Klaus was trying to break them down into helping him. Damon reveals the plan to "find four coffins and voila, no one else on your family's Christmas list needs to die." You know, the usual holiday problems. But Jeremy isn't having it. I mean who the hell cares about school when you have werewolves and vampires hunting you. (He does have a point. Hard to write that essay on Hawthorne when you're drinking vervane to keep vampires away. Wonder if a teacher besides Alaric would buy that excuse...) Jeremy wants to get the hell out of dodge aka Mystic Falls. Elena thinks that maybe they should at least give Klaus Rebecca to appease him but Damon adamantly disagrees. (Sexily). Coffins...wait. Realization. Bonnie's phone rings. Elena informs her that the dream is real and Bonnie's all "yeah no shit." She begs her to use a locator spell to find Stefan because Klaus just tried to kill Jeremy. Clearly Bonnie still has some feelings for him, or she's just human and tells Elena, no locator spell needed. Boo-ya!
Delena head to abandoned house. The witches are still a little bitter towards Damon so he can't go inside. Elena finds Stefan in the basement and begs for his help with Klaus after he tried to kill Jeremy. Stefan tells her it isn't really his problem and Elena slaps him. (Really, Elena? I mean I know it's the heat of the moment but he has no pride, he feels no pain...a slap? Come on, girl. Use your head!) Why is bad Stefan so much sexier than good sexier? Speaks volumes about my social life...
Elena storms out of abandoned house but Damon heard every word cause you know, superhuman and all. So he advises her to go deal with her brother and he'd deal with his. He fights his way into the house and finds Stefan in the cellar. Sexy brother banter. Sigh. They fight and end up outside where Damon stakes Stefan in the stomach to inflict pain and make him talk (that's how it's done, Elena) and Stefan confesses that he ruined Damon's plan to save Damon. If Damon had killed Klaus, his hybrids had the order to kill Damon. Damon is not even a little bit touched (throw him a bone, Damon) and stakes him again and storms off telling him to stop saving him.
Jeremy sneaks up on Tyler in the woods with a crossbow, but again, superhuman so Tyler sense him. (People are so stupid!) He spits at Tyler to stop being stupid and following Klaus because people keep winding up dead which sucks. For reals, y'all. Tyler tells Jeremy to stay in his house and out of sight because odds are, Klaus isn't done with him yet.
Back at the house, Alaric wakes up from the dead...again and Elena arrives home. But this time? Something's wrong...the ring isn't working and Alaric coughs up blood and passes out. Elena calls for the ambulance when sexy jogger appears at the door and compels the EMT's to leave. He tells Elena to invite him in so he can give Alaric some blood and save his life because Klaus is just gonna keep coming for people she loves. She's torn when jogger is shot dead in the back with an arrow. Jeremy. But he knows since jogger is a hybrid, he isn't dead yet. (Thank you for random information in the forest, Tyler) He gets a REALLY big meat cleaver from the kitchen and chops his head off. Does everyone have kitchen utensils sharp enough to decapitate people? I know I don't. Maybe I should...I do live on the border of Transylvania...
Damon goes back to Stefan for some more sexy brother banter and finally they strike the "new deal" (episode title) in which they will team up to bring Klaus down as long as they keep Elena out of it. They go in the house, thankfully now that they're all on the same page, the witches spirits let Damon in. Stefan reveals the coffins which the witches are hiding in plain sight.
At the hospital, Alaric is up and okay again. What a fickle immortal ring he has. Enter sexy new doctor aka Stefan's real life wife aka Pretty Little Liars Melissa aka One Tree Hill's Psycho Nanny Carrie but on TVD, Dr. Meredith Fell. (exhale). Alaric is immediately attracted to her and she is dumbfounded how he recovered from internal bleeding and broken ribs instantaneously. Seriously? Do people really not get the supernatural vibe? I mean it's in the town's name already!
Klaus arrives at Elena's house...because she invited him...not the smartest. She tells him she has 'no idea' where Stefan is but she does give him Rebecca. He is thrilled (well at least thrilled for Klaus) and tells him it's not enough. She knows he's lying about Stefan's whereabouts and he will leave Jeremy alone but there's still Caroline, Bonnie...Damon. But she doesn't fall for it. She tells him Stefan doesn't care about her anymore, Klaus turned him into a monster. "Now, he's your problem." She tells him that she knows Rebecca wants her dead but Klaus says he can control her. Elena tells him to watch his back as she also knows Klaus killed their momma and Rebecca wants him dead too.
Jeremy picks Alaric up at the hospital and they figure out that the ring brought Alaric back to life but didn't heal his injuries. Weird. Jeremy reveals that Damon's blood healed him and that he owes Damon a drink. Alaric is less than thrilled. But turns his concerns on Jeremy and gives the old "you can talk to me" spiel.
Damon arrives at Elena's to console her and she reveals that she made a deal with Klaus because she didn't know what else to do. Her 16 year old brother just chopped someone's head off and that just wasn't fair. (Have truer words ever been spoken?) Damon is pissed but doesn't reveal his deal with Stefan and cups Elena's face in her hand and reassure her that everything is going to be okay. Nina Dobrev is the luckiest actress in the world. If I were her, I would've done that take a couple more times.
Klaus waits for Rebecca to awaken and apologizes to her for everything and then puts the dagger back in her with tears running down his beautiful cheekbones.
Alaric and Elena approach Jeremy about leaving town. He tells them he was just mad, but Damon enters and compels him that he's going to move away and not think about Mystic Falls. Elena feels horrible and leaves.
Stefan and Bonnie finds the coffin that she kept dreaming about that had Klaus in it but it is 'sealed' and they can't open it. Bonnie thinks it is sealed with a spell and there must be a reason that she was brought there. They vow to get it open because it's more than likely the thing that will bring Klaus down once and for all.
Out on the most romantic porch in the world, Damon comforts Elena and tells her that she just saved Jeremy's life and she's a good sister. They have a 'moment' and he reveals that Stefan did save him and gives her hope that good Stefan may still be alive. He is pissed because he wanted to stop feeling guilty. "For what?" (Really, Elena?) And Damon says "For wanting what I want." (I'm ashamed at how that made me squeal.) He walks away and reconsiders and figures if he's going to feel guilty, he may as well do something to feel guilty about and then it happens. Damon finally kisses Elena. A real kiss. Not an "I'm dying, give me my last wish" kiss or "i'm going to piss Stefan off" kiss, but a true, I really love you kiss. It's awesome. And I take it back, THIS is the take I would ask to be repeated time and time again. Ugh, he is so dreamy. Can't believe I'm 38 years old.
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