The worst has happened...Marshall and Lily have officially relocated to the suburbs. A tragedy, as Ted puts it, only as bad as "when they cancelled Party of Five for the second time...uh, I mean when they cancelled...sports." Through their sadness, Barney, takes over as 'leader of the gang.' A point he promptly cements when he sings the theme song and adapts it all to himself.
Even though Lily was overjoyed at her father's arrival, he has overstayed his welcome and Lily and Marshall have about had it. Marshall doesn't get cell reception in his room and he can't talk to Ted which is weird because they haven't 'not talked' since Marshall spent his semester abroad. (Semester abroad = across campus) Lily's dad arrives and his unfortunate timing pushes Marshall over the edge and he loses it on him and tells him he wants him to leave the next day as they don't need his help.
The gang + Kev sits in the bar refusing to sit in Lily and Marshall's seats. Barney wants everyone to move on and Kev reluctantly agrees with him. Barney wants them to all go out and do something they could never do with Marshall and Lily. That something turns out to be going to a strip club. Since Robin and Kev are still in "early relationship chicken" and say yes to everything they wind up going with them.
At the strip club, Robin winds up buying Kev a lap dance as they're still both afraid to show each other they're 'not cool.' Kev hates it and Robin hates it but they keep on with the 'chicken' even though they're both miserable.
Ted leaves Marshall another voicemail. Barney tells him to stop being such a little bitch and enjoy the strippers...and it's Lily's doppelganger...Stripper Lily! Or as Barney calls her "Better Lily." He buys ted a lap dance from her which Ted is greatly uncomfortable with.
Another round of the opening credits with Stripper Lily and 'new Marshall' aka giant Russian mobster, in there.
After blowing a fuse, Marshall and Lily are a little freaked out and her dad greatly enjoys it as he knows where the fuse box is and how to fix the problem so he decides to taunt them via intercom. Mickey taunts Marshall 'Silence of the Lambs' style as Marshall walks through the completely black house trying to find the fuse box. Mickey warns Marshall to watch the second step on the way down to the basement but Marshall falls all the way down anyway.
Barney's new best friends, Stripper Lily and New Marshall lead them all to an illegal, back alley, Russian mob poker game which Ted cleans up! The Russians are none too pleased but Ted is greatly enjoying his streak. New Marshall protects them but they decide that it's time to go. They invite them to a party in a slaughterhouse. In their heads Robin and Barney are dying to not go but Ted really wants to go so they all go. They tell them that it's $200 a pop cover charge because it's a "New York Yankees/Coca Cola" party. Ted pays immediately. Better Lily and New Marshall go in to the party and leave them outside. Robin thinks they've been robbed but Ted refuses to believe them. Flashback to them protecting them at the poker game where in Russian, New Marshall assures the others that he will rob them later. Face it, they miss Lily and Marshall and how they've lost their friends. Ted refuses to let it happen and decides to load everyone on the train to travel the 46 minutes to see them. Kev breaks the game of chicken and they come clean as Kev says no to going and visiting Marshall and Lily.
Marshall regrets moving to the suburbs. Lily confronts her dad as to why he's messing with them and why he's not just helping them. So he does and walks Marshall through the basement through the dark step by step and Marshall fixes the fuse box.
The next morning Marshall and Lily wake up and Ted, Barney and Robin are there. Lily's dad makes them all breakfast. He apologizes to Lily and tells her that he'll leave after breakfast but Lily tells him to stay. The gang realize that even though they wouldn't always be at the bar in their booth, they would still always be the 5 of them.
Although, I can't agree. Unfortunately, things do change. As people couple off, get married, have kids, it isn't the same. It's really sad but that's life. The show ended on a happy note but we all know the truth. Future Ted is telling this story thinking back on the happiest times of his life with his pseudo post-college family. So even though they're all in each others lives still, it isn't the same. :(
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