Whenever the episode begins with Phil Dunphy, I'm immediately happy.
This week he is prepping for his seminar on 'keys' to successful selling techniques. His audience? Claire and Haley, both of which will be 'keys' to his presentation. Haley objects to not being paid but Claire says she'll text her the answer on that cell phone that they pay for.
Luke is working on a school project the 'egg drop' where he has to build a contraption to cushion an egg for a drop off the first story. Over at Jay's house, Manny is working on the same thing. Thus begins a father/daughter competition. Claire is determined for Luke to be successful without helping him, even going as far as to bribe Alex for her successful project from a few years back and Jay wants Manny to succeed even if Manny thinks "It's a metaphor for the human condition. Aren't we all just fragile eggs hiding behind bubble wrap and bravado?" Gloria is on the phone yelling at relatives, because that's how they show love after all.
Cameron and Mitchell are entertaining a baby momma even if she is a tad bit ignorant in the ways of the world. Cameron scolds Mitchell because he always has to correct people even if baby momma did make them promise to show her son "all 52 states." Mitchell says he'll bite the bullet and even agrees to do a song and dance (literally) to show her that they are musical people. They do a rousing rendition of "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" where Mitchell steals the show. Baby momma raves about Mitchell's performance but calls Cameron a bit pitchy, news Cameron does not receive all that well.
Claire bows out of Phil's seminar so she can supervise Luke's assignment and Phil promptly asks for Gloria's assistance. He does a dry run with Haley and Gloria and all goes well but they still have some time. Gloria suggests that she and Haley run to the salon and get their hair and nails done. Phil reluctantly agrees as he wanted to do another sound check after his vocal warm-ups. (Seriously? Could he be greater?)
Through many failed attempts and tauntings, Luke and Manny arrive at the school for a test drop. Clearly both were made by Claire and Jay and both succeed the drops but Manny 'cracks' (I'm hilarious) and reveals that it was their plan to use their competitive nature to get Claire and Jay to do their projects. They're both punished by having to go home and do their projects over by themselves. Claire blames Jay for always pushing her to be competitive but Jay tells her he loves that she's a fighter. They decide to try one level higher for their winning contraptions when Alex drops her exquistely crafted contraption from the roof with a parachute and tells them they're only competing for second place. They agree there's something wrong with her.
Baby Momma informs Cam and Mitch that she doesn't need to interview anyone else as they are perfect. Mitchell runs to get the cider to celebrate and Cameron decides to perform another number so she can really hear his voice and he sings Chicago's "If You Leave Me Now" which is not only moving, but inspires her to keep her baby.
Gloria and Haley run late at the salon and had parked in a tow away zone so have no ride back to the seminar which now Phil has to do all on his own. Haley forgot to put the prize ticket under the seat, there was no one to pull the confetti string, it's a disaster. When they arrive Phil is furious. He goes easy on Gloria which she is offended by until he screams at her and she feels loved. Oh those Columbians.
More musical numbers from Mitch and Cam, please! And where was the EW tauted Lily F Bomb? I hate false advertising.
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