Monday, January 9, 2012

Once Upon a Time "Desperate Souls" S1E8

2 weeks after the shocking death of Sheriff Graham, we flash back to Rumplestilskin's past and watch some vandals (for lack of a better word) take a young 14 year old girl with Rumple's young son afraid he's going to be next. In the present, Emma arrives at Rumple/Gold's store where he has a bunch of the Sheriff's belongings from the apartment he rented from him. He encourages Emma to take at least the Walkie Talkie's so she can have fun with Henry as children leave you too soon. (Foreboding face...) Emma finds Henry moping still about the Sheriff's death and he's afraid that evil will keep killing good people. Sheriff was good and he's dead so he doesn't want any harm to come to Emma and he suggests that put the operation on hold. "Good has to follow rules, evil doesn't." Good point, Henry.
Emma reluctantly puts the Sheriff's badge on but the mayor stops her and appoints Sydney Glass aka the Magic Mirror aka Gus Fringe, to be the Sheriff to keep Emma out of power. The mayor fires her.
Back at home, Emma vents to Mary Margaret about the Mayor and now really wants to be Sheriff. Knock at the door is Mr. Gold who wants to help Emma. "Two people who share a common goal can accomplish many things. Two people who share a common enemy can accomplish even more." He offers to be her benefactor and look into the town charter and see how much power the mayor actually has.
Flashback, Gold tries to sneak his son away in the middle of the night but is immediately found by the vandals. He says he'll do anything and lead guy makes Gold kiss his boot which is really just an excuse to kick him. The vandals leave them. They are helped by an old man who offers to be their benefactor...
The Mayor gives a press conference to introduce Sydney Glass as the new sheriff. Emma interrupts and stops her. The mayor tells her the charter says the mayor can appoint the sheriff. Emma corrects her that she can, in fact, appoint a candidate. The mayor concedes and an election is set.
In the flashback, Gold appears to be a simple, humble man. Old man advises him to take control instead of always being controlled. Hm, I see a personality change a coming.
The Mayor confronts Mr. Gold about finding the charter technicality and backing Emma. She warns him not to go against her and he assures her that they are both working for the common good, they're just picking different sides. Plus he thinks when Emma is working for her son, her passion works for her. The mayor reminds Gold that Henry is NOT Emma's son, not legally. Now who's looking for technicalities.
Emma finds Henry at the diner where he is reading about her past and how Henry was born in jail. He again pleads with her not to go up against his mother, she's evil. Emma reveals her new ally, Mr. Gold. Henry tells her Mr. Gold is WAY more evil than his mom and she needs to stop owing him because when he collects he has no mercy.
Emma confronts the Mayor about a smear campaign as it will only hurt Henry. The mayor insists that he is fine. She says Emma and Mr. Glass can fight it all out in the debate and she is just fighting fire with EXPLOSION! (Not sure where they were at this point as I was tuning in and out) Emma tries to escape but the mayor is stuck. Does she help? Way too early in the series for her not to, so she does.
Flashback, Gold tells the kid that the old man informed him that he just needs to steal the dagger from the Duke to gain power. AND, if he kills the 'dark one' with said dagger, Gold will get all his power. Kid is tentative, but finally gets on board. Plan basically is, burn the castle. Lots of fire metaphors in this ep...
Back to the actual fire, Emma helps the Mayor out and the press is there so the Mayor feigns an injury like Emma hurt her. Sydney takes pics of it because after all, he's still a journalist. Everyone is buzzing at what a hero Emma is. Henry is thrilled that good triumphed. Emma sees some of Mr. Gold's wool in the ashes and realizes he sets the fire. She confronts him and is like yeah, duh. You have to fight dirty. She bows out but he dares her to expose him because Henry is the only one who'll get hurt.
Flashback, Mr. Gold and son are at the castle. The plan works and Mr. Gold retrieves the dagger.
Outside the debate, Mary Margaret runs into David (aka Snow White and Prince Charming) and have an awkward exchange and she runs off. Backstage, Emma reveals to Mary Margaret that she wants to win not to beat the Mayor but to show Henry that sometimes good prevails.
Flashback, Mr. Gold exits the castle and finds his son who urges him to return home. Mr. Gold sends the kid home so he can summon the Dark one. He appears. The dark one informs him that today is his son's birthday and they were probably on their way to retrieve his son and he just sent his son home. Mr. Gold protests but the dark one reminds him that the dagger controls the dark one, not everybody. Mr. Gold kills him but he turns out to be the old man who rescued him in the woods. He is grateful to die because magic always has a price. He is happy to give over the dark magic to someone else. Gold asks 'why me?' And the dark one says "I can always recognize a desperate soul." Gold becomes the Dark One reluctantly.
The debate begins with Jiminey Cricket moderating. Sydney makes a generic opening statement. Emma reveals that Mr. Gold set the fire and she wouldn't be a party to dirty politics and withdraws. The Mayor smiles.
Henry finds Emma at the diner and is proud of her for standing up to Mr. Gold. He gives her the walkie talkie and the operation is back on. Sydney and the Mayor show up and tell her that she won the election as everyone responded to her honesty and standing up to Mr. Gold. The Mayor is forced to name her Sheriff. She wishes her luck as she didn't make a great friend in Mr. Gold, but he sure is fun to have as an enemy.
Flashback, the new Dark one, Mr. Gold shows up at home and the vandals recognize him. He makes lead guy kiss his boot and then snaps his neck and kills all the vandals. His son is terrified of him.
Sheriff Swan takes office. (Isn't that in Twilight?) Mr. Gold shows up and Emma is ready for a showdown but he instead claims that he planned the whole thing to make Emma tell him off in public so she would win. She asks him why and he says "I recognize a desperate soul when I see one."
So yeah, that's Once Upon a Time. It entertains me. The fairy tale lore is intriguing and I'm sucked into the will they or won't they with Snow White and Prince Charming. Ridiculous?

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